Rant, Writing

Where Have I Been?

I know, I know. I’ve been MIA.

I haven’t posted anything for the entire month of April. I want to apologize. As a blog owner, I need to be consistent and active with my posts. After I came back from Spring Break, I was going to write a series of posts about my time in Texas.

Then…. school interrupted. The month of April in a school semester is one of the worst times ever. It is the last month before finals meaning teachers are constantly assigning tests and assignments. You know, just any last minute grades they can fit into the span of a month. It is also the time of cramming to get those assignments done and get my grades as high as possible.


However as a student, it is also the time where my motivation is as low as the sea floor of the ocean. I have no motivation to do anything at all. I have no motivation to try in school, to finish my assignments, to study for any tests. It was honestly a struggle to do school work and even get out of bed.

Basically Spring Break was like the taste of freedom I was able to have of what it would be like to have to worry about anything but school. It was one of the best weeks I had during a super stressful semester of school. Spring Break was like a little tease of break from school. I was super sad for it to end.

That being said, for Spring Break, I went to Texas and I will be writing a series for it. Also there is a chance I will be changing this site’s name to awkwardmichelle. I may be changing my brand from Oceany to Awkwardmichelle but the details are in works until something is final.

Also, I made a YouTube channel where I hope to be creating more videos in the future. For an assignment for my marketing class, we had to create a personal pitch video. I edited a video with little clips from my Spring Break to promote myself as a travel blogger. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy. The video is only a minute long and I hope to create a longer video of my Spring Break in the future.

I am officially on summer break now after the stressful semester and even more stressful finals week. I will be back and posting more and creating more.

Thank you so much!


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